Course Progress Policy

Glenhill College will inform overseas students before they begin a course about the requirements to achieve satisfactory course progress and attendance requirements, where applicable.

The expected duration of study specified on the overseas student’s Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) must not exceed the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) registered duration for the course. This means that Glenhill College will need to monitor the progress of overseas students to ensure they are able to complete the course within the expected duration specified on the CoE.

Some VET providers are required to monitor overseas student attendance as a condition of registration, the minimum requirement for attendance is 80 per cent of the scheduled contact hours for the course. This requirement does not currently apply to Glenhill College.

To maintain satisfactory course progress, a student is expected participate in classroom learning activities. Students are also required to successfully complete all their assessment tasks. A determination of satisfactory course progress is that a student must successfully complete all assessment/assignment tasks within a period of 16 calendar days, excluding marking time, of the timetabled completion of academic delivery for that Unit of Competency. This represents satisfactory course progress.

Where a student is found Not Satisfactory in one (1) or more assessment methods within a single Unit of Competency (UOC), they are to be re-assessed once, free of charge, and this must be completed within the immediate operational term if it is logistically possible. If the student does not pass one (1) or more assessment methods following the free re-assessment period they are to be offered one (1) more opportunities for re assessment, with the provision, that they will be charged a fee for each opportunity within the immediate following term.

Course Progress and Intervention

 International students who are enrolled in a CRICOS course/program are expected to complete their course/program within the duration of their eCoE, and the duration of the course must not exceed the course duration registered with CRICOS and displayed on their website. Glenhill College expects students to meet course progress requirements by monitoring their progress and providing them with the relevant support at an early stage. Glenhill College will provide students with a range of support from extra time to complete tasks or a reduced study load to study skills programs. If after providing students with this support, and they do not meet course progress requirements, they will be issued with a first warning letter stating that their course progress is unsatisfactory and inviting them to a meeting to discuss further support. Following the provision of this support, if their progress is still unsatisfactory, they will be sent a second warning letter and again inviting them to a meeting to discuss why they are still not meeting satisfactory course progress requirements and to discuss new or revised support arrangements.

A study period is determined to be the five (5) academic weeks. If a student’s academic progress is less than 50% competent after any pre – determined period such as at the completion of a scheduled five (5) week period or study period, as indicated from the SMS database and the manual records, the following actions will be implemented by the Trainer and/or the CEO/Training Manager/DOS. The monitoring procedure is:

  1. Review student academic results every five (5) weeks as referred by the Trainer or the Training Manager/DOS;
  2. Mail out of an unsatisfactory Academic Warning Letter as required;
  3. If there is no response within five (5) working days; follow-up the warning letter with telephone call and organize a meeting/counseling session with the Training Manager/DOS;
  4. Determine an action at the meeting/counseling session regarding the Intervention Strategy to develop a plan to address the situation;
  5. Make an electronic entry and hard file copies in student files;
  6. Refer any issues to alternate grievance/appeal agency if required; and
  7. Report the student if rectification progress cannot be achieved or the student cannot recover a 50% academic progress rate in their remaining enrolment
  1. DHA will make the final decision on whether a student’s visa will be cancelled because of their unsatisfactory course

Students can appeal Glenhill College decision to report them to DHA. However, an appeal will only be considered if Glenhill College has not recorded or calculated the student’s marks correctly, has not provided appropriate support as set out in this policy, has not implemented other policies such as assessment and feedback which could impact on the student’s results or there are compassionate or compelling reasons which have contributed to the unsatisfactory progress. Circumstances that are compassionate or compelling circumstances include (but are not limited to):

  • Serious illness or injury, where a medical certificate states that the student was unable to attend classes;
  • Bereavement of close family members such as parents or grandparents
  • Major political upheaval or natural disaster in the home country requiring emergency travel and this has impacted on the student’s studies.
  • A traumatic experience which has impacted on the student and which could include involvement in or witnessing of a serious accident; and witnessing or being the victim of a serious crime. These cases should be supported by police or psychologists’ reports); or
  • Where Glenhill College is unable to offer a pre-requisite
  • Where the student is unable to begin studying on the course commencement date due to delay in receiving a student
  • Where your study load is reduced due to difficulties with meeting course progress requirements, this may mean that you will need to do additional subjects in future sessions to complete your course in the time specified in your student

Attendance and Course Progress General Requirements

The National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (National Code 2018) requires Glenhill College to monitor international students’ compliance with their visa conditions relating to course attendance, progress and completion according to the Vocational Education and Training sector. It continues to require that the expected duration of study specified on an international students’ CoE must not exceed the CRICOS registered duration.

Monitoring Course Progress and Attendance

 Glenhill College has a process for determining the point at which an international student has failed to meet satisfactory course attendance or course progress.

National Code Part C states where a course duration is not set the designated authority, it is determined that a course duration is based on a minimum of 20 scheduled course contact hours a week.

The minimum requirement for attendance is 80% of the scheduled contact hours for the course, or higher if required under state or territory legislation.

To maintain satisfactory course progress, a student is expected to maintain satisfactory attendance, as well as participate in classroom learning activities. Students are also required to successfully complete all their assessment tasks. A determination of satisfactory course progress is that a student must successfully complete all assessment/assignment tasks within 16 calendar days of the timetabled completion of academic delivery for that Unit of Competency. This represents satisfactory course progress.

Reporting unsatisfactory course progress or course attendance

 National Code Standard 8, requires that Glenhill College must continue to report international students who do not meet course progress and ensure that the international student is notified of the impending report and have the right of appeal.

The Standard continues to state that Glenhill College must only report a breach of course progress if the internal and external complaints processes have been completed and the breach has been upheld; or the international student has chosen not to access the internal or external appeals process; or the international student withdraws from the internal or external appeals process.

Assessments submitted on time

 A student who submits an assessment task on time (within 7 calendar days of the completion of timetabled academic delivery) but whose work is deemed Unsatisfactory will be given two (2) further opportunities to demonstrate competency in that task.

  • Following notification of the unsatisfactory outcome, a student will have a further seven (7) calendar days to resubmit;
  • If the outcome is still unsatisfactory, a student will have a further two (2) calendar days to submit for the third time;
  • Re-submissions must be made on time. If after the second re submission the student’s assessments still assessed as Unsatisfactory, that outcome will stand. g.
    1. An assessment/assignment submission is due within 7 days of the cessation of academic delivery as determined by the timetable or by a date as advised by the assessor, by email, using the Learning Management System (LMS);
    2. A review of submission is conducted by the assessor (review timeframes are not included in the 16 submission days);
    3. A Competent outcome requires written feedback to the student. A Not Yet Competent (NYC) outcome requires written feedback and a re-submission within 7 calendar days;
    4. A review of submission is conducted by the assessor;
    5. A Competent outcome requires written feedback to the student. A NYC outcome requires a further re-submission within 2 calendar
    6. A review of the submission is conducted by the assessor;
    7. A Competent outcome requires written feedback to the student. A continued NYC requires no further action and the NYC outcome is the students result for that Unit of
    8. A NYC outcome may require the implementation of an intervention strategy for that

Assessments Submitted Up to Seven (7) Calendar Days After the Due Date

 A student who submits an assessment up to seven (7) calendar days after the due date (or agreed extension date) and whose work is deemed Unsatisfactory will be given one further opportunity to demonstrate competency in that task.

  • Following notification of the unsatisfactory outcome, a student will have two (2) calendar days to
  • Re-submissions must be made on time. If, after the second submission, the student’s assessment is still assessed as Unsatisfactory, that outcome will stand.

Assessments submitted more than seven (7) calendar days after the due date

 A student who submits an assessment more than seven (7) calendar days after the due date (or agreed extension date) and whose work is deemed Unsatisfactory will not be given a further opportunity to demonstrate competency in that task, unless there are exceptional or extenuating circumstances.

Assessments will not usually be accepted if submitted later than seven (7) calendar days after the study period ends without approval.


 Where a student fails one (1) or more assessment methods within a single Unit of Competency (UOC), they are to be re-assessed once, free of charge. If the student does not pass one (1) or more assessment methods following the free re-assessment period they are to be offered two (2) more opportunities for re assessment, with the provision, that they must be charged a fee for each opportunity within the same or immediate following term.


 Glenhill College will maintain records relating to satisfactory course progress. These include:

  • Assessment of course progress records for each student;
  • Assessment results (as required by 21 of the ESOS Act);
  • Records of contact with students;
  • Notices of intention to report;
  • Complaints and appeals outcomes; and
  • Other relevant records in relation to course


 If a student’s academic progress is less than that as previously identified after any completed and assessed unit/s of competency as recorded, at the completion of a scheduled period or study period, as indicated from the SMS database and the manual records, the following actions will be implemented by the Trainer and/or the Training Manager/DOS. The monitoring procedure is:

  1. Review student academic results every five (5) weeks as referred by the Trainer or the Training Manager/DOS;
  2. Mail out of an unsatisfactory Academic Warning Letter as required;
  3. If there is no response within five (5) working days; follow-up the warning letter with telephone call and organize a meeting/counseling session with the Training Manager/DOS;
  4. Determine an action at the meeting/counseling session regarding the Intervention Strategy to develop a plan to address the situation;
  5. Make an electronic entry and file copies in student file;
  6. Refer any issues to alternate grievance/appeal agency if required; and
  7. Report the student if rectification progress cannot be

Reporting Student on Course Progress

 The written notice will inform the student that they are able to access the Glenhill College’s complaints and appeals process and that the student has 20 working days in which to do so.

Where the student has chosen not to access the complaints and appeals processes within the 20-working day period, withdraws from the process, or the process is completed and results in a decision supporting the registered provider, The College will notify DHA through PRISMS of the student not achieving satisfactory course progress as soon as practicable.


 Glenhill College will provide best-practice student academic support and intervention to optimize achievement of learning outcomes as well as satisfy the provisions of Standard 10 of the National Code 2018. Coherent processes including academic monitoring are established to identify and refer at-risk students. The intervention strategies to which students are referred include:

  • Attending academic skills programs;
  • Attending tutorial or study groups;
  • Receiving individual case management;
  • Attending study clubs;
  • Attending counseling;
  • Receiving assistance with personal issues which are influencing progress;
  • Receiving mentoring;
  • Being placed in a suitable alternative subject within a course or a suitable alternative course; or
  • A combination of the above and a reduction in course

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