Diploma of Mental Health

National Code


Course Overview

There are specific entry requirements for this program, and it is targeted at students who desire to enter the Healthcare profession. The development of the program was in consultation with industry advisors to respond to a need that has developed for additional educational vacancies for specialist healthcare positions that will benefit from Australian Nationally Recognised Training.
You are advised that you must have a computing device such as a laptop, notebook, or pad that is connected to the internet and loaded with Microsoft 365 software. This will be required for daily academic use.
As a participant, you will be required to show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks, and manage contingencies in the context of the job role.


Provide systems advocacy services


Provide support to develop wellness plans and advanced directives


Work with diverse people


Implement trauma informed care


Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety


Research and apply evidence to practice


Establish self-directed recovery relationships


Reflect on and improve own professional practice


Provide recovery oriented mental health services


Manage work health and safety


Work collaboratively with the care network and other services


Provide loss and grief support


Provide services to people with co-existing mental health and alcohol and other drugs issues


Provide suicide bereavement support


Provide early intervention, health prevention and promotion programs


Manage budgets and financial plans


Implement recovery oriented approaches to complexity


Assist clients with medication


Assess and promote social, emotional, and physical wellbeing


Recognise healthy body systems

Enrolment of participants will be subject to meeting the following requirements:

  • Pre enrolment questionnaire; and
  • Must be 18 years of age or over; and
  • A successful completion of a senior secondary education program; or
  • A successful completion of an online language and skills assessment to reference the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) – LLN Robot
  • IELTS 6.0 or a recognised equivalent.

To review the package structure of this program as nominated, it is listed in the National Training Package, which is available at: https://training.gov.au/Training/Details/CHC53315

This education program is specifically designed for domestic students. It reflects the role of workers who provide services to clients in relation to mental health issues. They can provide counselling, referral, advocacy, and education/health promotion services. These workers are required to have high level specialist knowledge, skills, and competencies especially in regard to laws affecting people with mental health issues, the range of services available to them and health issues related to mental health.
To achieve this qualification, the candidate must have completed at least 160 hours of work as detailed in the Assessment Requirements of units of competency.

This training program will be a maximum of 104weeks. 80 weeks for the scheduled face-to-face training and assessment program plus 24 weeks of breaks as programmed recreation.
The class size will not exceed 20 students.

$19,500.00 This fee is the total for the required 20UOC and any issued textbooks.

Glenhill College collects student fees in advance and therefore it will comply with the following options for initial and continuing fee collection and registration.
At no time will a fee exceeding $1,500.00 be imposed. Additional fees will be invoiced ensuring that Westview College never has more than $1,500.00 in credit for any student.
A payment plan for any outstanding fees can be negotiated and will be detailed on a separate document.


Reservation fee

Week 9

Week 18

Week 27

Week 35

Week 42

104 weeks







Week 49

Week 56

Week 63

Week 70

Week 77

Week 84

Week 91








All assessments must be completed successfully for the issue of a certificate for CHC53315 Diploma of Mental Health. Completion of less than 20 UOC will see a Statement of Attainment issued. All financial payments must be completed before any certification is issued.

Glenhill Collegewill use a combination of assessment methods and approaches which will involve collecting a range of evidence for ensuring consistency of competency. Assessment may include written assignments, practical projects, and a portfolio of evidence. The portfolios may include forms, templates, resources produced, documents completed, and handouts.

A student’s program is considered to have been completed when a successful academic program, with a determination of COMPETENT in 20 UOC, is achieved in the designated duration of 80 training and assessment weeks.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) - is the formal recognition of the skills and knowledge a person has regardless of how or where these skills may have been attained, that is, through formal or informal training work experience, (paid and unpaid) or voluntary work, and life experience. The evidence provided for RPL must address the currency of competencies being assessed. Glenhill College confirms that all students, potential or actual, of all offered qualification courses are provided with full recognition of their current skills and knowledge. Glenhill College promotes acknowledgment of 'non-traditional' forms of learning as valid pathways for recognition of competency achievement during the RPL assessment process. RPL will result in exemptions, and they can be determined by applying for an application from you.

To maintain satisfactory course progress for the program duration, a student is expected to maintain satisfactory attendance (80%), as well as participate in classroom learning activities. Students are also required to successfully complete all their assessment tasks and achieve a pass of not less than 70% throughout the program. This represents satisfactory course progress.

Where a student fails one (1) or more assessment methods within a single UOC, they are to be re-assessed once, free of charge, and this must be completed within seven (7) days, as per Glenhill College’s re-assessment policy. If the student does not pass the free additional assessment method, they are to be offered one (1) more opportunity for re-assessment, with the provision, that they will be charged a fee for the opportunity.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)