Unique Student Identifier Policy

A Unique Student Identifier (USI) is a reference number made up of numbers and letters that gives students access to their USI account. A USI will allow an individual’s USI account to be linked to the National Vocational Education and Training (VET) Data Collection allowing an individual to see all their training results from all providers including all completed training units and qualifications.

The USI will make it easier for students to find and collate their VET achievements into a single authenticated transcript. It will also ensure that students’ VET records are not lost.

The USI is available online and at no cost to the student. https://www.usi.gov.au/students/create-their-usi (accessed July 2019). This USI will stay with the student for life and be recorded with any nationally recognized VET course that is completed. The application process is a component of the Student Enrolment Form and can be auctioned by the student or permission can be granted to Glenhill College to manage a student’s identification.

International Students in Australia

 If Glenhill College is training international students studying in Australia; students will need a Unique Student Identifier (USI).

All international students in Australia will have been issued with an Australian Visa. This will let those students use their passports as their form of ID when creating their USI as their visa is linked to their passport number.

Overseas Students

 An overseas student studying offshore and not having an Australian passport or visa, will not require a USI to receive a VET qualification or statement of attainment. However, training providers will still be required to submit AVETMISS compliant data in respect of their offshore international students.

Australian Students Offshore

 If you are an Australian training organization and you are training Australian students offshore, then these students will be able to create a USI following the normal process.

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(10am - 05 pm)